Following the release of University Examination Timetable in the University of Dar es salaam, we received lots of messages asking for TIMETABLE despite our tutorial on our previous post. We thereof, decided to ease the process by providing the links for downloading already downloaded timetable from UDSM TIMETABLE WEB.

The following is a list of Colleges/Schools/Institutes in the University of Dar es salaam with their particular University Examination Timetable attached to each.

Click on your respective year of study of a particular Department or a College/School/Institute to download the timetable pdf automatically .

If the status reads YES that means the timetable has been uploaded already , incase it shows YET, please understand that the timetable of a particular Unit and Study Year has not been uploaded yet. Please wait for a while..

Please, if you are viewing this post through phone, change the web view into the desktop site view, just click the 3 dots on the top right and then scroll down to select the Desktop Site with a PC icon. This process will not be successful with Google or Phoenix browser but only Chrome.

College Departments First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year
College of Humanities (CoHU) Department of Linguistics and Foreign Languages YES YES YES
Department of Literature YES YES YES
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies YES YET YET
Department of History YES YES Yes
Department of Creative Arts YES YES YES
Center for Communication Studies YES YES YES
College of Social Sciences (CoSS) Department of Economics Yet Yet Yet
Department of Sociology YES YES YES
Department of Political Science and Public Admin. Yes Yet Yet
Department of Geography Yet Yet Yet
College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CoNAS) Department of Chemistry Yet Yet Yet
Department of Mathematics Yet Yet Yet
Department of Physics Yes Yes Yes
Department of Biology Yet Yet Yet
College of Engineering and Technology (CoET) Department of Civil Engineering YET YET YET YET
Department of Electrical Engineering YES YES YES YES
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering YES YES YES YES
Department of Chemical and Mining Engineering YES YES YES YES
College of Agricultural Sciences and Food Technology (CoAF) - YET YET YET
College of Information and Communication Technologies (CoICT) - YET YET YET
School of Education (SoED) Department of Educational Foundations, Management and Lifelong Learning YES YES YES
Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies YES YES YES
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences YES YES YES
Institute of Development Studies (IDS) - YET YET YET
School of Business (UDBS) - YET YET YET
Institute of Kiswahili Studies (IKS) - YES YES YES
School of Mines and Geoscience (SoMG) - YET YET YET

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  1. Thanks a lot. Be blessed 🙏

    1. Thanks for your appreciation! You're most welcome!


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